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Her eyes have a story to tell....
A story she wants to share and sometimes keep it ensconced within her heart ,A story where she had to face shame and ridicule , for no fault of hers ...A story that started its chapter way back when she was little , from a time she can't even remember ..Yet the hurt , as she was shamed with a word she knew not the meaning of ...squint ! At seven , English was still a foreign language to her !The struggle she didn't know of continued ,Through academics , it was a way of life she had gotten used to , the neo normal she wasn't aware of .The strange look she gets at times , a snigger at others gets her conscious , yet she learns to shrug it away ,She has wished umpteen times that the world would look beyond her eyes , So many times she wished her heart would be her eyes , For the eyes maybe the window to the world , But the heart is what rules it for sureHer eyes have a story to tellOf the times she wishes to look straight into the camera , not yet again she cringes resorting fervently to a prayer that the photograph , video is shot with her best angle , that she doesn't have to wince when she gets to see it ..Her heart , still childlike , she rejoices at making silly reels , lil dance steps that make her heart soar , yet , she halts , her followers will see it and perhaps smirk or snigger . How long she asks before she gets the freedom to do what she desires without the world judging her by her eyes .Her eyes have a story to tell.Will someone listen and tell the child who has teased her and made her uncomfortable that she would have loved to have a normal vision , she would love to look straight too , smile and have the child smile back at her instead of whispering into his mother's ears , she instantly knowing what it would be and turning her face away .Her eyes have a story to tell .She has grappled it all she thinks and yet again when she is speaking to someone , the all too familiar shift in their position to try and match where she looks , she trying hard to hide her discomfort , for she knows not where she is seeing .Her eyes have a story to tell .She is not trying to gain pity , she has come far , she acknowledges those who have been good to her knowing her struggle . Given her golden opportunities without a bias . She seeks those who have made her feel one amongst them , she is grateful , thankful for her family and friends who have been wonderful support .Her eyes have a story to tell .She does after more than five and half decades , for she realises , if not now then when .Her eyes have a story to tell .So that no one ever again gets shamed , teased , for something that was a quirk of destiny , something that should not have happened , something that was beyond human undoing .Her eyes have a story to tell .She knows life ahead is way shorter than what she's left behind , she wants to make sure the legacy of her paternal grandma of no ridicule gets carried forward !
20 Oct '24
3 min read
Personal Experience
Her eyes have a story to tell....
A Thief Called Sisyphus
In the valley of despair made fertile by inadequacy there lived a thief who set eyes on an angel on the hillHe knew the celestial was forbidden but doom's string pulled at himHe decided to recreate an earthly Angel and with that let his last vision fill Roaming the world he learnt all the different coarse and fine arts Elevated his crass country tact to an elite gentlemanly charm Returned home expecting a new name to suit his new taste but even with his loot of skills there was the same old qualmHe began assembling his antique, swindling the shine of stars for eyes Carefully blowing the stolen scent of lilies to mimic the sweet breath Stripping the air of its grace to impart deftness to the fingers Slipping in thick honey to imitate the lips and their sultry warmth He raided Vinci's drawers for colours to capture the perfect face Pinched Michaelangelo's tools to sculpt the muscle's subtle curve Cheating Tartini's sheet for the voice as it was music to his ears Catching conceits to describe the beauty from Donne's oeuvreStill his creation is nowhere close to what he remembered it was not even an image of the one who lived in his heart The elusive Angel remained as unatinable as before grinning mischievouslybut he would never give up his belief on the immense power of art He tried to find more to compare to better his attempt Centuries would pass in seconds as he would work in vainlost in memory of the same old spectacular sight he would not forgetHe would happily try and fail and fall in love, again and again and again
15 Oct '24
2 min read
A Thief Called Sisyphus
Jasmines inclination towards the man who secretly brings red roses
Theme-Jasmines inclination towards the man who secretly brings red rosesA handsome young boy Rayyan was born in a rich family.He was the only child to his parents.He was a golden spoon child.Over pampered by his grand mom and his parents.Since childhood he loved red roses.They even had a farm that was full of roses.As he grew old,he planted variety of roses of various colours.He even writes a poetry dedicated to roses,when he was in grade 8.And it sounds,*Dear flower,*You need a little shower*i love your aroma,so i use rose attar.*i relish spending a little time with you.*Since my nostrils enjoy your fragrances like a delicious stew.Years passed by,he was finally a young lad of 18 years who has taken admission in top university by name Flower.Because of his deep interest in blooms,he wanted to graduate in botany.One day while he was in the garden of his house enjoying chai.He suddenly heard noises of argument in servants quarter.It was Shahzeb.,who was asking his parents to permit him to take admission in top university,Flower.But his parents were trying to make him understand that they cant afford for such high profile universities.All of a sudden with an excuse,Rayyan interrupted their conversation and says with a polite tone."You people have been with us since my childhood,you are like my family.So i shall ask my father for Shahzeb as well to take admission in university,Flower.But Rayyan did not wanted to show his lavish life to his class mates,so he had a plan.The first day of college,Rayyan calls Shahzeb and gives him all the expensive clothes he has.He tells Shahzeb,not to reveal who he was and about his family. Shahzeb without any further questions agreed to Rayyan.Later both decided to go to college together.Rayyan decided to drive,and was wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans that were non branded!Shahzeb was wearing expensive jacket and jeans.As the BMW stopped at the college parking,girls begin to stare.They thought Shahzeb is from rich family and Rayyan was his friend.Both rushed into the same class.Shahzeb had seated with other boys,where as Rayyan prefers to sit with other group of boys.As the class begin,a beautiful girl excuses and sits in front row of Rayyan.Since it was first day,it was an introduction class.Everybody in the class began to introduce themselves.when it was turn of this beautiful girl.She introduced herself as Jasmine.Rayyan was infatuated with her name since she had the name of a flower.As days passed by,Both Jasmine and Rayyan became good friends.Everyday Rayyan used to keep 2 red roses on Jasmines vehicle.At first Jasmine thought, somebody might have forgotten.But every day,she could see 2 red roses on her vehicle.Eventually she was inclined towards man who brings roses.Since Shahzeb used to be over friendly with her.she thought him as the man who brings roses and likes her.Jasmine was inclined towards Shahzeb due to two reasons.One-she thought he was rich.Two-she thought he was the man who brings her roses every day.After few days,Jasmine notices that their were no roses on her vehicle since a week.She could n't attend classes since she was busy with the project.She thought Shahzeb might be on leave for university.But was astonished when she finds him in the university. But after a week.Out of curiosity she rushes to Shahzeb and asks,why are n't you bringing roses any more.He did not knew how to react.He was little confused.He just asks, roses??for what??Jasmine instantly began to weep for her misunderstanding.Before Shahzeb could ask her anything,she leaves the university.The next day,she notices that Rayyans book was in her desk.So she wanted to give him.But suddenly,her heart began to speed up,she instantly realised that Rayyan was n't coming to university for a week.Out of curosity she gives him a call.But nobody lifts the call!!She then notices the book in her hand.It was a little different. When she opens it,every page had 2 roses.With a caption written.She then inquires about Rayyan to Shahzeb.He simply says,i dont know!!Then she gets a call from Rayyan.She was elated.Rayyan tells Jasmine,you have always been my best friend and i loved your company.Jasmine says,i too.But where are you?He says,iam in hospital!!Jasmine was so confused.She hungs up the phone and rushes to the hospital.By the time,she reaches the hospital, Rayyan was no more since he was in the last stage of cancer.Rayyans assistant gives Jasmine a small note-That reads,those two flowers each day were you and i,and our bond of friendship..I had the fear to fell in love someday,so never gave directly!!I was simply happy being your friend.Jasmine burst out into tears..# Ayra Writing Contest#
16 Sep '24
4 min read
Jasmines inclination towards the man who secretly brings red roses

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