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How to introduce yourself.
अब हम इस अध्याय में अपना परिचय कैसे दें। सीखते है अपना परिचय देने के लिए कुछ point दिए है। पहले हम formal introduction के बारे में कैसे लिखते है।How to introduce yourself#Greattings- Hello sir/Hello ma’am#Thank you - Thank you sir/ma’am for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.# Name- My name is Ramesh Kumar.# Place- 1. I am from Mathura. Or I belong to Mathura. यदि व्यक्ति के दो address हो तो हम बोल सकते है। 2. basically I am from Mathura but at present I am living in Bareli.#your professional – ये point उन लोगो के लिए होता है जो जॉब करते है। बच्चो के लिए नहीं है। Example जैसे कि में एक अध्यापक हूं। तो हम लिख सकते हैं।I am english teacher at Adarsh UPS Pidaura etah .अगर आप छात्र है तो इस point को छोड़ दें।#Eduction- As far as my education is concerned...School - I study in 8th standard at Adarsh UPS school Pidaura etah.ये केवल उन छात्रों के लिए है जो स्कूल में पढ़ रहे हैं। Otherwise के लिए नहीं। I did schooling from Adarsh UPS PIDAURA ETAH. I have completed from Ganjdudwara p.g. college. At present I am pursuing M.B.A.from Agara University Agara.ORAt present I am working as trainar at this (company name) pvt.limt.#Skill and experience – ये उन लोगों के लिए है जो job के intervew के लिए जारहे है। और उन्हें work का अनुभव है।#Family -As far as my family is concerned.. I have joint/ nuclear family. There are 4 mambers in my family. My father is a teacher and my mother is a teacher/home maker/home manager. I have a sibling . यदि आप अकेले है। यदि आप एक से अधिक है तब आप लिखे।I have two sibling.#hobby- My hobbirs are watching movies and reading booksORI like to watching movies and I like to reading books.#Strength- ये आप चाहे अप बता सकते नही तो आप छोड़ सकते हैExample - My strength is my parents.#Goal- I want to become a teacher in my life.#weakness- यदि आप बताना चाहते है तो आप बता सकते है। नही तो आप छोड़ सकते है।#Thank you – That’s all about me,, Thankyou.Introduction of school studentsThank you sir for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.My name is Mitansh Yadav.I am 15 years old.I am from Bhopal.As far as my education is concerned.I study in 8Th standard at Delhi Public School, Indore.I have a nuclear/joint family.There are five members in my family.My father is a Doctor and my mother is a Teacher/home maker.I have two siblings.My hobby is dancing.My strength is my Parents.I want to become a successful Doctor in my life.• Introduction of college studentsThank you sir/ma’am for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.My name is ....................I am self-motivated.I belong to ......................As far as my qualification is concerned.I did my schooling from...............................................I have Completed my graduation in.................................................At present, I am pursuing....................................................As far as my family is concerned.I have a nuclear/joint family.There are.................members in my family.My father is a ................. and my mother is a .............................I have ..................... siblings.My hobbies are .............................. and ............................My strength is....................................As we know everyone has some weaknesses I also have some weaknesses, My weakness is..............................................................I want to become a successful my life.That’s all about me.
26 Jul '24
3 min read
How to introduce yourself.
A Sleepless Night
"I can't sleep" said Alyssa."Me neither" said Patrick.Alyssa looked beside her to see Patrick, her boyfriend, who was wide awake, just like her."Why not?" she asked him."Come on, Alyssa, you know why" groaned Patrick, as he sighed with frustration."Hmm..." she hummed in agreement and turned back to look at the sky.Nobody spoke anything for a while before Alyssa decided to break the silence."Do you think the situation would have been different, if..." she trailed off."If?" he asked, even when he knew what she was talking about.She sighed before replying, "If we had not been there that night."Patrick did not respond. Alyssa understood that he was upset. She felt guilty for bringing up the past."Pat?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper."There has not been a minute since that day, that I have stopped wishing for things to be different. The events of that day still haunt me" he answered.She knew that he was beating himself up for everything that had happened."You are not the one at fault. Above all, if it was destined to happen, then nobody could have avoided it. Not even us" she said, trying to make him feel better."But, we had a feeling that something would have happened. We saw signs. Still, ignoring our intuition, I insisted on going on our date. Stepping out of our house was the worst decision that I have ever made. We could have avoided them if we just stayed back home, but I ruined everything" Patrick almost yelled."You did not ruin anything. If there is anyone to be blamed for what happened, then it is them!" Alyssa screamed.Patrick did not know how to respond to her outburst."They are the ones to be blamed... They are the ones who decided that it was okay to make things right by causing an accident… By causing our car to crash down a cliff… By killing their own friends… By killing us!" she ended with a sob.Patrick wanted to hug her and comfort her. But, he knew that it was not possible. They are spirits, wandering the earth, searching for peace. They could not touch anything or anyone, not even each other."How did they believe that killing us would change anything? It does not change the past" wondered Alyssa."True. But, it can change the future" answered Patrick.Alyssa turned to look at Patrick, confusion written all over her face.Patrick explained further, "Our parents betrayed their parents. Once upon a time, they were friends. A close-knit group of people who made a pact that they would be there for each other, no matter what. But, our parents forgot all about it, as soon as they came into power. Your father is a Mayor and mine is an attorney who helped him cover up all of his crimes."Alyssa held a solemn expression. "What were his crimes? Corruption. He made a great deal of money, illegally, and blamed it on their parents. Why? Because they were easy targets. Poor, in dire need of money and most importantly, they had no power to prove their innocence. I don't know if it is called being clever or cunning. Maybe both?" she said.Patrick shrugged, "We should have known better than to trust their children. But, they seemed so sweet and friendly, from the moment they extended a hand of friendship. I could not doubt them even for a moment. They were always there for us. We have shared fun moments and made great memories with them. It is hard to believe that they were never our friends.""They were our friends, Pat. They loved us, maybe just not as much as we loved them. Their determination to avenge their parents overshadowed their care for us. Their judgement was clouded because of the trauma that their families had been through" said Alyssa.Patrick chuckled, "Are you still defending them? Even after what they did to us?"Alyssa smiled sadly and said, "I am not defending what they did. They had no right to take someone's life. What I meant was that we cannot judge them when we have never been in their situation. Can you imagine how it would feel to be in their place? To watch your parents get betrayed by their close friends? To watch them lose their jobs and be accused of something that they never did? To watch both your parents part ways and to live in a broken family? To suffer from trauma and depression?"Patrick went quiet after listening to her questions."Yes, they chose the wrong way to get justice for their parents. But, think about their pain and anger that drove them to make such a drastic decision. We can never completely understand them because we never went through any of that. I believe our mothers never knew about their husbands' wrongdoings. So, there were no conflicts at home. We were a happy family, until now" she continued."Now, everything will be revealed and their parents will get justice. But, do you think this will solve everything? Every problem that ever existed?" questioned Patrick."I wish I could answer your questions. I don't have all the answers, honey" answered Alyssa."I have an answer. The answer is yes and no. Their parents would get justice but nobody can promise that their families will get back to how it was in the beginning. They may have felt satisfied with their revenge. But, the guilt and remorse will hit them and trust me, it will hit them hard because one day, they will realize that we had nothing to do with what happened in the past" explained Patrick."So, who will get us justice? No one. Nobody can do anything about it because we are long gone. We had dreams, Pat. Many, many dreams. We dreamt of going to the University, getting good jobs, travelling the world, getting married, having children, and growing old, together. Everything was snatched away from us in a moment!" cried out Alyssa."Think of it like this. Maybe we were never meant to experience all of that in this life. Like you said, it was all destined. But, you know what? I believe that this is not the end. Our next life will be better. We will find our way to each other. We will live the dreams that we could not realize in this life and experience so much more than just that. We will live a beautiful life and grow old, together" said Patrick, confidently, as he tried his best to comfort her."I believe that, too" said Alyssa, as she smiled a little.There was a moment of silence before Alyssa spoke, again."Will we ever find peace?" asked Alyssa."Of course, we will. We just need to trust and let go. It will be alright, I promise, Aly" said Patrick, as he tried to hold her hands.Surprisingly, they could touch each other. At that moment, they realized that all they needed was a little reassurance from each other to get rid of their fears and replace them with hope and peace.Alyssa's face lit up with joy because she could finally hold hands with her true love.Both of them got up from hovering over their graves."I guess this is it, Aly. It is time to leave, for now. Let us meet, again" said Patrick."See you soon, my love" said Alyssa.They hugged each other and kissed, as if it was the last time, but they knew that this was not the end."I love you!" they said at the same time, as they slowly vanished into thin air, with hopes of seeing each other, sooner than they thought.
25 Jul '24
7 min read
A Sleepless Night
This is a lovely relationship of partnership...💘
One night after 2 years of marriage, while having dinner, Ram felt that the food was very tasteless today, less salt and more chillies, vegetables were half cooked.What happened to Reema today?Sitting in front of her, Reema had also understood how the food was cooked today...!She was afraid that Ram would definitely get angry today; he would say bad things, but she got up quietly and cleaned the utensils in the kitchen, then he came from behind and took her in his arms and turning back, kissed her forehead and said - i love you..Reema.Rani…Reema was surprised at Ram's behavior...and said - Ram, forgive me today...but instead of getting angry, you are showing this love...why is this...?Ram - Do you know..! Today you reminded me of the days before our marriage.. how those days you did not know how to cook properly, so I thought you should be treated like a new bride like those days, that's why I loved and kissed you.. Reema we both are partners of each other, in happiness as well as in sorrow, we keep fulfilling each other's needs, this is the real love of husband and wife..Ok now tell me your problem..!Reema- Ram we had eloped and got married, due to which father was very angry with you, he ended the relationship by saying bad things to you, today I came to know that he is admitted in the hospital…Saying this she started crying,Ram- Silly girl you are telling me this now, let's go and see him,Reema- But he had insulted you...!!Ram- Fool…At such times we don't think about all this, he is our elder, even if he said something, what happened..? Come on, hurry up, who knows what the need might beI will take out some moneyBoth of them immediately left for the hospital..👏Friends, what a good thought it is, if there is any shortcoming between husband and wife, then instead of getting angry and speaking ill of them, remember their goodness and solve the matter with love, this is a lovely relationship of partnership...💘
26 Jul '24
2 min read
This is a lovely relationship of partnership...💘
How Pehchaan The Street School breaks walls of Girl Child Education
A girl’s education is important in order to promote gender equivalency and make significant benefits to society. Millions of girls still face obstacles to education, despite notable advancements in numerous regions of the world. Organizations like Pehchaan The Street School play a pivotal part in addressing these issues and guaranteeing a girl’s education and well- being. According to the Right to Education Act of 2009 every girl child is entitled to free and compulsory education. India is placed as the alternate most vibrant country with 48.5 of the population being womanish. The thing of furnishing education to girl children is to foster gender equivalency in terms of substance. Now one may ask what's the significance of education for girl children in India. It's because if there's an advanced womanish knowledge rate also there will be less chances of child mortality. Education empowers marginalized women so that they can make a better future and give well for their families and themselves. Pehchaan The Street School interacts with the neighborhood to alter stations around ladies' education. It aims to change artistic morals and promotes the value of educating girls through mindfulness juggernauts and community gatherings. Then are some of the points that punctuate the significance of Girl Child Education. They're as follows: Education's value for commission and independence of a girl child: Girls who admit an education are more likely to grow up to become important and independent women. They gain the knowledge and capacities demanded to completely engage in their communities and husbandry through education. Health and Well- Being: Girls with advanced situations of education generally tend to marry later and have fewer healthier children. Furthermore, they're more likely to comprehend and put into practice practices that promote health, which benefits their own and their families' health. Economic Benefits: Girl’s education leads to profitable expansion. Education increases a woman's chances of employment which helps pull family and communities out of poverty. Social Change: Education promotes mindfulness and critical thinking. Girls with education can question social morals and fight for justice, which will thus lead to a significant social shift. There are numerous walls that affect the education of girls. Some of them are Artistic morals and gender impulses, profitable Constraints, Security and Vacuity and contributing to broader social change.Pehchaan The Street School Breaking BarriersAn initiative called Pehchaan The Street School employs an intertwined approach to overcome these obstacles and makes sure that girls get a high- quality education in a nurturing terrain. 1. Inclusive and Accessible Education: Pehchaan The Street School offers depressed scholars, especially girls who might not otherwise be suitable to attend academy, free education. The program addresses safety issues by emphasizing that girls don't have to travel great distances for class by placing them in fluently accessible locales. 2. Community Awareness and Engagement: Pehchaan The Street School works to alter stations regarding girls' education by interacting with the girding communities. Pehchaan The Street School aims to advocate for the importance of educating a girl child and works towards transforming the cultural norms.3. Holistic Support: Pehchaan The Street School provides a variety of support services, similar as health examinations, nutrition plans, and comforting, realizing that education alone is inadequate. With this all- encompassing approach, girls are nurtured and kept healthy, allowing them to concentrate on their education.4. Quality Education: Pehchaan The Street School highlights the significance of high- quality education by supplying applicable tutoring coffers and training preceptors. Gender-sensitive courses guarantee that girls admit an education that's current and important. 5. Mentoring and part Modeling: Pehchaan The Street academy facilitates the connection between ladies and able instructors and part models. This makes it easier for girls to imagine a time when they can fulfill their pretensions and end the cycle of demarcation and poverty. Conclusion A strong strategy for ending the cycle of demarcation and poverty that numerous girls experience is education. Pehchaan The Street School and other enterprises like it are pivotal in breaking down the walls that help ladies from attending academy and giving them the support and provocation they need to be successful. When we promote girls' education, we're investing in a more inclusive and brighter future for everybody.Come together, and let's educate every girl child in order to change our culture.For more information please visit:
26 Jul '24
4 min read
How Pehchaan The Street School breaks walls of Girl Child Education
Sukoon Ghar an Initiative by pehchaan the street school
In the bustling urban landscapes of India, amidst the noise and chaos, there exists a beacon of hope called Pehchaan The Street School an initiative founded by Mr. Akash Tondon along with his childhood friends, Kanika Narula, Sam Pillai, Leejo Joy and Monica Vamdar, as well as dedicated team. For the past nine years, Pehchaan The Street School has been educating 1500 children through its various centers spread across the city. This remarkable organization has dedicated itself to transforming the lives of underprivileged children through education. One of its most significant initiatives is Sukoonghar, which means “House of Peace”. This initiative is not just a school but a sanctuary where underprivileged children find safety, nurturing environment, support, encouragement, enthusiasm, opportunity and a chance to make their dream come true. In essence, Sukoonghar is a place where children can learn, play, and thrive. It stands as a witness, what can be achieved when empathy meets commitment. It is a place where underprivileged children are offered a chance to think about a brighter future. Sukoonghar is not only changing and shaping the lives of children but also it uplifting entire community. This Sukoonghar an initiative by Pehchaan The Street School is a powerful reminder that every child deserves the opportunity to grow, dream, learn, and succeed no matter from where they came from.The success of Sukoonghar is also attributed to the strong network of community involvement and partnership it has cultivated. Corporate businesses, local NGOs, and dedicated volunteers play a vital role in supporting the initiative. These collaborations bring the resources, expertise, and financial aid, which helps Sukoonghar to expand its reach and enhance the quality of its programs. This community driven approach ensures that the benefits of Sukoonghar are sustainable and far reaching. At Sukoonghar the journey begins with creating an environment that starkly contracts the chaotic surroundings children come from. The moment children step into Sukoonghar, they are enveloped in an atmosphere of calm and security. The classrooms are well equipped and designed to be inviting, fostering a love for learning. Beyond academics, Sukoonghar places a strong emphasis on emotional and psychological well being of its students. This nurturing environment helps them to overcome the trauma and hardships of street life, allowing them to focus on their studies and personal growth.In the midst of crowded streets and busy market places, where the sights and sounds of city life can often be overwhelming, Pehchaan The Street School stands as a refuge. Sukoonghar represents more than just a physical space, it embodies a philosophy of care and commitment for holistic development of every child it reaches. The significance of Sukoonghar an initiative by Pehchaan The Street School extend beyond its role as an education institution. It acts as a protective heaven where children can safely explore their potential. The dedicated staff at Sukoonghar understand the unique challenges faced by children and are trained to provide the necessary support and encouragement. This includes not only academic instruction but also life skills training which equips the children with tools to navigate their future with confidence and resilience. Vision behind the Sukoonghar The inception of Sukoonghar stemmed from a deep understanding of the multifaceted challenges that street children face daily. Children often live in environment instability and hardship, and traditional educational models are ill equipped to recognize this gap. The founders of Sukoonghar envisioned a sanctuary as mere academic instruction, providing a holistic approach that nurtures the entire childhood. Sukoonghar’s vision aligns with Pehchaan The Street School’s broader mission to uplift underprivileged children through quality education, mentorship and skills training. The initiative aims to create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and empowered to achieve their full potential. Teacher training and empowerment Effective education requires skilled and motivated teachers. Sukoonghar places a strong emphasis in teacher training and empowerment. Regular training programs are conducted to equip teachers with innovative teaching methods and strategies tailored to the unique challenges of street children education. Teachers are also provided with ongoing support to help them manage the emotional and psychological aspects of their work. By investing in their professional development, Sukoonghar ensures that its educators are only competent but also passionate about making a difference in the lives of their students. Comprehensive support services Understanding alone is not sufficient, Sukoonghar offers a variety of support services to address the comprehensive needs of its children. Apart from medical services, including regular medical checkups and nutritional programs, ensure that children are healthy and well nourished as well as dental checkups, and menstrual hygiene programs are also organized by Pehchaan The Street School to teach children about these significant hygiene adaptations. These services play an important role in creating a stable and supportive environment where children can focus on their education and personal development. Challenges and solutions Despite its success, Sukoonghar faces several challenges. Limited resources, the complex needs of street children, and the volatile nature of urban environments are just a few of obstacles. However, Sukoonghar has developed strategies to overcome these challenges. Resources mobilization through partnership and community support, innovative teaching methods, and resilient approach to problem solving are key factors in its success. The initiative's ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances ensures its sustainability and continued impact. Impact on children and communityThe impact of Sukoonghar extends beyond the individual children it serves. By providing education and support to underprivileged children, Sukoonghar contributes to the broader community development. Higher literacy rates, improved health outcomes , and a stronger local economy are some of the long term benefits. Statistical data and personal testimonials highlight the transformative effect of Sukoonghar on children's lives, showcasing improved academic performance, increased self esteem, and brighter future prospects. The ripple effect of these positive changes uplifts entire communities, breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a more equitable society. And also the impact of Sukoonghar is further magnified through its incorporating extracurricular activities that are arts, sports, dance, music, yoga and cultural events as part of the curriculum, providing a well rounded education. These activities are designed to foster and bring out the best in each and every child in a community, encouraging creativity, teamwork and leadership. The enthusiasm that students experience through these activities often change into better academic performance and higher self esteem. Rural Health Intervention: InitiativePehchaan The Street School has collaborated with doctors for seva and together they launched aarogya seva- delhi chapter. This collaboration is a heart felt effort to bring essential healthcare services like dental and body checkups for over 200 children in need. On July 21, 2024 at Pehchaan The Street School, indraprastha center, delhi . Pehchaan The Street School with doctors for seva hosted a charity health camp that promises to make a significant impact on children and their lives. And they also invited general physicians, dentists, public health specialists, and social workers to volunteer their skills and time. This initiative not only addresses immediate health concerns but also reinforces Pehchaan The Street School’s mission to empower and uplift underprivileged communities through their immense support. Pehchaan The Street School has established several centers across town, making it convenient for you to join us in our mission. We Pehchaan The Street School invites you to join us as a volunteer or as an intern at a center near you. Your contribution can make a significant change in the lives of our children. And yes, you can also contribute by donating stationery, eatables,uniforms, clothes and celebrating your birthday with our students. And even you can come to spend your time with our team and children which is also a wonderful way to show your love and support. We need your help and support to make an impact on the ground.Here are the locations of our Pehchaan The Street School centers where you can get involved. Indraprastha metro station GTB nagarMukherjee nagar, Noida sector 35Sunder nurseryRohini sector 2Rohini sector 3Gol Gumbad/JLNDilshad garden Together we can create the support and resources needed to change children's lives. Your participation and kindness are crucial to our mission. Whether you choose to volunteer, donate or simply spend time with us at our sukoonghar, where you can also experience peace, every contribution makes a difference. Join us today and be a part of creating a brighter future for these incredible and immense potential children. A triumph beyond words: Deepak’s Success StoryMAY 13, 2024, marks an unforgettable milestone in the nine year journey of Pehchaan The Street School. Deepak is a spirited student who scored 83% in his 12th exams. This victory is not just his alone but a testament to the unwavering dedication of everyone at Pehchaan The Street School. Four years ago, Deepak made it his mission to score more than 75% and challenged Mr. Akash that if he succeeded, then Mr. Akash would buy him a laptop. Deepak is the first in his family to clear class 12th. This hope and potential is what we want to unlock in every child so they can achieve their dreams and change the stereotypes. Website:
26 Jul '24
8 min read
Home Décor and DIY
Sukoon Ghar an Initiative by pehchaan the street school
How Pehchaan The Street School Empowers Underprivileged Children Through Education
The word “education" is often referred to as one of the most powerful tools for changing the world. Millions of children globally, however,are deprived of this fundamental right because they are entangled in an unending cycle of poverty and ignorance. An amazing project called "Pehchaan The Street School" aims to stop this pattern by giving underprivileged children hope and an education. These children's empowerment journeys not only improve their own lives but also the communities to which they belong.The secret to a better future of the children from underprivileged backgrounds is education. It gives individuals the ability to end the cycle of poverty, realize their full potential, and make significant contributions to society. Here’s why education is so crucial: It breaks the cycle of poverty by allowing the underprivileged children to support themselves and their families, lifting them out of poverty. Education empowers an individual and fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills and self-confidence. Not only that , education also helps improve a child’s mental-health and their overall well-being. The question now becomes how we can really educate children from underprivileged families. The answer is by joining or supporting NGO (Non- Government Organization).An NGO called Pehchaan The Street School was established as a result of grassroots efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers who realized the life-changing impact of education. Acknowledging the significant gaps in educational opportunities, they started instructing kids in open spaces, under temporary roofs, and on the streets and in slums. What began as spontaneous get-togethers swiftly expanded into a formal program that drew in additional volunteers and funding.The mission of Pehchaan The Street School is to provide free and quality education to underprivileged children, promoting their overall development and empowering them with necessary skills to become responsible members of the society. The heart of Pehchaan The Street School's efforts lie in its street classrooms. In Delhi NCR, the volunteers have established makeshift classrooms where underprivileged children receive free education. These courses include science, social studies, basic reading and numeracy instruction.Education at Pehchaan The Street School goes beyond academics. The school places a strong emphasis on overall development of children. Programs include arts and crafts, sports, and extracurricular activities that help in nurturing creativity, teamwork, and physical health. Recognizing the link between health and education, Pehchaan The Street School organizes regular health check-ups and provides nutritional support to ensure that children are healthy and able to learn effectivelyPehchaan The Street School acts as a bridge between the gaps created due to institutionalization and commercialization of education throughout our nation has severely limited the ability of the underprivileged to access means of academic and vocational study.Hundreds of previously underprivileged children are now literate, providing access to opportunities and further education causing increase in the literacy rate. A large number of students from Pehchaan The Street School's classrooms have made the switch to formal education, where they are excelling both academically and socially, also leading to an increase in enrollment in formal schools. After leaving Pehchaan The Street School, several of its former students have gone on to break the cycle of poverty in their families by pursuing further education, vocational training, and gainful work leading to the empowerment of underprivileged children. One inspiring story is that of Rani, a young girl from a slum in Delhi, who started her educational journey with Pehchaan The Street School. Despite her challenging circumstances, Rani excelled in her studies and went on to secure a scholarship to a prestigious high school. Today, she aspires to become a teacher and give back to her community. Many who have witnessed Pehchaan The Street School frequently comment that the children's dreams are to work as prominent professionals and civil servants, which is, in fact, the first step toward realizing their objectives. Pehchaan The Street School brings smiles to their faces by giving them chances, knowledge, resources, and experiences that they will treasure for the rest of their lives. They become joyful and enthusiastic about picking up new abilities as a result. Pehchaan The Street School is like a glimmer of hope for underprivileged children, highlighting the important impact of dedicated educational initiatives. Pehchaan The Street School is changing lives on an individual basis as well as building better, more resilient communities by providing education to these kids. The road ahead is difficult, but with teamwork and steadfast resolve, the goal of universal education can be accomplished.Pehchaan The Street School is always looking for support in various forms including donation of stationery items, voluntary work and partnerships in both online and offline mode. To learn more about their work culture or to donate, please visit the following Website:
26 Jul '24
4 min read
How Pehchaan The Street School Empowers Underprivileged Children Through Education
A Peek Into The World of Change-makers: Pehchaan The Street School
This article serves as a small guide, this article will help you understand the workings of Pehchaan The Street School. It will go into - how Pehchaan The Street School is set up, how and what they do and how one can help the school. Pehchaan The Street School is a dedicated volunteer-driven organisation based in Delhi committed to providing quality education for children to enhance their lives and has been working towards this cause for the past 9 years.Despite the right to education, many children still lack access to quality education. Pehchaan The Street School steps in to provide education that goes beyond the traditional standards and this is done by providing an education as well as school supplies needed for the children free of cost.Pehchaan The Street School runs on crowdfunding and operates without any paid employees, relying solely on the dedication of volunteers. They focus not only on academic knowledge but also on several extracurricular activities that are essential for a child's overall development. They also provides several internship and volunteer opportunities for anyone who is interested in being a part. The School was started by Akash Tandon and his childhood friends Kanika Narula, Sam Pillai, Leejo Joy, and Monica Vamdar who had a vision and an aim to change the lives of underprivileged children in their area.They have 7 operational centres all across Delhi:1) Indraprastha Metro Station2) GTB Nagar3) Mukherjee Nagar4)Noida Sector 355) Sunder Nursery6) Rohini7) Dilshad Garden How the School is set up:-The schools are set up in different locations such as temples, parks, and many more. They have many locations all across Delhi.The classes start at 3 with a prayer that teaches students to be kind and humble, and moral values, instead of teaching them religion. Pehchaan The Street School offers classes from elementary level to 12th grade. The curriculum: The Ncert curriculum is closely followed in India but due to time constraints Pehchaan The Street School cannot follow this curriculum rather they have their own curriculum that covers the basics. Their curriculum is made in such a way that would fulfil the needs of the marginalised students. This includes providing basic education and vocational training like sewing, beauty courses, etc… Factors that affect a child's education: The situation that a child comes from deeply affects their educationFinancial barriers: Many individuals might not be able to even afford education, we all know that the cost of education has gone up making it very expensive and unaffordable leaving many in the dark. Commercialization of education is the number one cause of people not being able to afford education.Discrimination and Exclusion: Children from marginalised communities often are discriminated against and excluded from getting an education. Though caste-based discrimination is illegal, many to this day practice and participate in this social evil, and this negatively impacts children. Lack of awareness: oftentimes the parents lack awareness and fail to understand how important education is, this leads to them not sending their children to school which stops the children from reaching their potential. The rigged Government education system: as Indians, we are well aware of the quality of the government education system. Oftentimes even after attending government school children are unable to read or write this shows us the quality of education provided by our government. The rigged system may neglect to hire teachers with credentials and many more this puts a child's education in jeopardy hence Pehchaan The Street School also works as a tuition centre for many children who experience such a thing.Parents often don't seem to care even if their child has scored high scores as they are not sure about the opportunities that education provides.Vocational training: The school also provides ground for vocational training as it will be helpful for children coming from marginalised communities. The curriculum is modified to fit the needs of underprivileged children. They offer courses like sewing, beauty courses, etc.. these have helped the students be independent in a very short time.They provide education to children hailing from remote areas by providing internet connection and laptops so that they can learn. Prioritising mental health:- We all know that having a roof over your head is not enough to maintain mental health, Pehchaan The Street School also provides mental health sessions and mentoring sessions to children. Children from marginalised communities might be facing a lot of difficulties at home and they might feel like they have no one to talk to. The school has kept this in mind while providing them with mentoring sessions. The children are encouraged to talk more about their feelings and they ensure that help is available. They have several psychology interns working for this cause.Reality of the marginalised childrenChildren coming from marginalised communities are often discriminated against. They never feel like part of the society this leads to them being stuck in their situation Meet a passionate volunteerVolunteers at Pehchaan The Street School are passionate individuals who work for the noble cause of educating children. What are the responsibilities of a volunteer and an intern? At Pehchaan The Street School one can work as a teacher, social media, psychology intern, etc…The key role of a teaching intern is to teach children it can be done online or offline. Manager interns supervise classes and ensure that the children receive what they need. The school also has social media interns who help promote Pehchaan The Street School by making and publishing content. Psychology interns ensure that they monitor the mental health of children. In short, the school makes way for the overall development of the children.Volunteers must ensure that the classes are properly cleaned and maintained for the students.Personal experiences of a volunteerI got to talk to one of these individuals who motivated me to write this article. This volunteer has been working with Pehchaan The Street School for the past 2 years. They felt that educating children was a social responsibility and that we are responsible for providing them with a better future.The volunteers are driven by nothing but the love and support of the children.“Those random hugs felt like the most wonderful thing” These are the exact words of the volunteer, this shows us the immense love that the volunteer has for children. The love from the children, despite their challenging circumstances, has the power to melt anyone's heart. The volunteer aimed to make a special core memory for the children.Transparency is a core value embraced by Pehchaan The Street School, regarded as vital for cultivating trust and integrity. The pervasive nature of corruption is widely recognized, particularly within certain NGOs and trusts serving as channels for individuals to obtain tax benefits. These entities may exploit the system by falsely claiming to have made donations without following through on the committed contributions.Here the donations made for the children go to the children and not to the pockets of the authority. They teach them moral values, about hygiene, and about being kind. This moulds a child into a better person, a person who is different from the situations that they grew up in. Bribing for a good cause There is a chance that the children coming to the school might have had enough food to eat, hence Pehchaan The Street School provides snacks for the children. Children might consider going to school just for the snacks but this actually ends up helping them get an education. They also provide internet connectivity and laptops for the children in remote areas, this helps the children whose parents can't provide them with these facilities.These are some reasons that the children end up staying in school.How can one help Pehchaan The Street School? or how to work with them?Volunteering: Anyone who has spare time can volunteer to work with Pehchaan The Street School. It's truly an admirable and selfless act. Unlike internships, there are no certificates for volunteering.Internship: they provide several internship opportunities for people who want to work with them also help you build your resume as interning comes with a certificate. The internship is for anyone who can work remotely as well as on the ground. They offer multiple positions for internships such as a) Social media marketing intern b) PR intern c) Teaching d) Content writer e)Proofreader etc…Membership: This is for anyone who cannot actively participate but still wants to be a part of the community. To be a member one can put forward a certain amount of donation every month & become a member of the trust. They can also sponsor the education of an underprivileged child. Spreading the word about the school and its activities also helps themSo Let's stand united with Pehchaan The Street School to transform the future of our children for the better. Connect with Pehchaan The Street School at :
25 Jul '24
8 min read
A Peek Into The World of Change-makers: Pehchaan The Street School

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