Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is Ayra, and how does it work?

Ayra is a dynamic digital platform that brings together general readers, knowledge enthusiasts, industry experts, and the global public. We provide a vibrant space for sharing, publishing, and engaging with articles across a multitude of subjects, catering to a broad spectrum of interests and curiosities.

How does Ayra stand out from other social publishing platforms?

Our key differentiator lies in our focus on localized content in multiple languages. Unlike many platforms, we champion diversity, thereby breaking language barriers and reaching a wider audience. Furthermore, we also offer a revenue-sharing model that rewards our authors.

Who is the primary audience for Ayra?

While our platform is designed with global inclusivity in mind, our current focus is on enriching local content across a multitude of languages. We believe in empowering diverse voices and tapping into a wealth of regional content.

What kind of articles can I write on Ayra?

We welcome articles across a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to Technology, Science & Innovation, Entertainment, Fashion, Sports, Gardening, Personal Development, Automobile, Cooking, Home/Interior Decor, Health, Yoga & Lifestyle, Finance, Travel, History, Arts and more. Additionally, you have the option to write Short & Long Stories, as well as Poems/Poetry.

What kind of articles are not acceptable on Ayra?

We advocate for a respectful and safe environment for our community. We discourage content that could stir controversy, including explicit sexual content, topics related to politics or religion, or any content promoting discrimination or hatred.

What languages can I write in?

We currently accept articles in English, Hindi, and Kannada, and are looking to incorporate more languages in the near future.

How long should my articles be?

We recommend that articles be 800 words to maintain high standards of quality and depth. However, smaller articles with a minimum of 150 words are also acceptable. An exception to this rule is Poems/Poetry may contain a minimum of 10 words.

What if I want to create a video article?

Currently, we only support text-based articles with images and hyperlinks. We do, however, have plans to incorporate video articles in the near future.

Can I earn from my articles?

Definitely! At Ayra, we've built a revenue-sharing model to enable our authors to earn from their published content. Specifically, if you're an author residing in India, you'll receive 30% of the advertisement revenue generated by your articles.

Can authors residing outside India earn from their articles on Ayra?

Currently, our revenue-sharing model applies only to authors residing in India. Unfortunately, authors living outside India are not eligible to earn from their articles at this moment.

How often will I receive my earnings from Ayra?

Ayra offers flexible payout schedules to accommodate our authors' preferences. You can choose to receive your earnings on either a monthly or quarterly basis.

Is there a minimum payout amount on Ayra?

Yes, we have a minimum payout threshold of Rs 500. Until your earnings reach this amount, they will continue to accumulate in your Ayra account.

What is the mode of payment for my earnings?

Our default mode of payment is online, either via UPI or NEFT. If you prefer to receive payment by cheque, please note that your accrued earnings must be at least Rs 5000.

Do I need to provide any identification or tax information to receive my earnings?

To comply with Indian tax laws, we need you to provide your Aadhaar and PAN details before we can process your payout.

Who is responsible for tax liabilities arising from my earnings on Ayra?

Authors are responsible for all tax liabilities arising from their earnings on Ayra. As per the law, you are expected to report and pay taxes on these earnings appropriately.

What kind of support does Ayra provide for marketing my articles?

Ayra will actively market the articles on the platform. While we handle larger promotional activities, we also encourage our writers to share their work within their networks to enhance reach and engagement.

How do I discover articles in my preferred language on Ayra?

You can adjust your language preferences in the settings after logging in. You will then see articles in your preferred language on your feed.

How can I engage with authors or other readers on Ayra?

We encourage interaction within our community. You can comment on articles or participate in discussions to engage with authors and other readers.

How can I share an article with my friends?

To share an article, simply use the share button on the article page. You can share it on various social media platforms or via email.

Is Ayra free to use or are there any subscription fees?

Ayra is absolutely free to use for readers at the moment. We may introduce subscription charges at a later point in time for an ad-free experience.

Why do I see ads on Ayra?

Ads play a crucial role in our platform's ecosystem. The revenue generated from advertisements supports both Ayra and our authors. A portion of this ad revenue goes directly to our authors as part of our revenue-sharing model.

What if I come across inappropriate content or behavior on Ayra?

If you encounter any content or behavior that violates our community guidelines, please report it to us using the 'Report the article' feature available within the Article or email us at [email protected]

How can I get started as a contributor on Ayra?

If you're interested in becoming a contributor, email us at [email protected] expressing your interest, or complete our 'Apply as a Writer' form on Ayra, and we'll guide you through the subsequent steps.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

For further inquiries, please email us at [email protected]. We will be happy to assist!