Youth Empowerment through Education: NGOs Fostering Leadership and Entrepreneurship

15 Oct '24
5 min read


“Youth” usually refers to the

time between childhood and adulthood from the age of thirteen to the mid-twenties.

This time of one’s life is characterized by a lot of physical,

psychological, and social growth. At this stage of life, people often go

through the process of developing an identity, achieving autonomy, and

seeking purpose in their lives. Youth empowerment is about giving young people

the skills, knowledge and self-confidence which are necessary for them to take

control of their own lives and to contribute positively to society. It's

about more than just offering opportunities. But it's also about creating an

atmosphere that acts as a springboard for the young people to become their best

selves. Create new things and is a leader

as well Empowerment involves various aspects of life including education.

leadership Entrepreneurship social participation and self-reliance.



Education is the most important tool needed for any individual’s personal as well as professional growth. Education provides skills like critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, intelligence which are required in professional as well as day to day life. Quality education not only provides academic excellence to the youth but also equips them with different skills, digital literacy and emotional intelligence. Youth empowered with education are the pillars of the society with leadership, entrepreneurship and powerful workforce.


Education nurtures leadership in an individual by letting the youth in participating different competitions, and giving opportunities to lead different projects. Youth with leadership qualities are skilled with confidence, communication skills, and influential quality which are required to make excellent deals and communication with others. These skills help the youth to lead different initiatives and mentorship programs which potentially showcases them the real world. 


Entrepreneurship is right set of circumstances for empowerment. By teaching young generation how to build and start a business, world helps them to be self-resilient and financially independent. Entrepreneurship cherishes innovation as young people comes up with different innovative ideas and solutions to the business world and market. Programs that teach financial literacy, business planning, and marketing can enable youth to create job opportunities for themselves and others, driving economic growth in their communities.


The youth is indulged in the social cue of the socialite life. Social media is a powerful tool to engage different parts of the world to come together for a cause. Global issues such as climate change, gender inequality, global warming, can be tackled by the younger people with the help of the social media. The youth can utilise online forums, google forms, platforms like youth activism can be used to deal with these social issues efficiently. This social engagement empowers them to act as agents of change on both local and global levels.


In the world of digitalization, technology is the need of the hour. It’s fortunate that the younger generation is dealing with digital literacy very well. Youth empowerment also involves access to technology and the development of digital skills. Technology opens door to knowledge, global communication and innovation. The newer technologies such as AI, robotics, and digital marketing are the opening gates to the diverse world of digitalisation. By mastering technology, the youth can turn their future in a creative and meaningful ways.


Youth empowerment is especially important to certain sectors of the population including young women, low-income families, and ethnic minorities. Education, senior leadership positions, and even job opportunities are some of the aspects in which these groups are usually hindered. It is NGOs, governments and international bodies that help these people by making available necessary resources, mentors and training. Gender equity, social inclusion and economic opportunities programs act as equalizers so that all youth have the chance to make it.

In all these NGOs play an important role to engage education to the youth as well as the kids to foster entrepreneurship and leadership. NGOs like Pehchaan The Street School are playing an excellent in providing education to the underprivileged children. Being the youth of this nation, I, Myself feel that education along with leadership and entrepreneurship skills has become an important tool for the survival in today’s world. Pehchaan The Street School is doing expectational work to provide academic as well vocational education to the students. The organisation promotes education along with creativity which builds leadership and entrepreneurship training. Pehchaan The Street School seamlessly aligns academic as well as personal growth to reach the overarching goal of youth empowerment. The ideology of aligning theoretical as well as practical education together with the help of innovative workshops, hands-on projects and exclusive simulations offer the youth opportunities to apply their knowledge to the real world.  This nurture problem solving, creative thinking, analytical thinking and adaptability to the younger generation which are the important qualities required to be present in a leader and an entrepreneur. 

“ A good leader builds a good army of more stronger leaders.”

Pehchaan The Street School provides a phenomenal mentorship to the aspiring youth who want to become leaders and entrepreneurs. They focus on providing exclusive guidance to the youth. The organisation is a team of powerful mentors who are always ready to show the right path to the students. These mentors provide advices, insights and guidance to the students to bridge the gap between the academic and the hustle of the real world. By interacting with accomplished minds who are working in the same field, the students get deeper insights of their future and a vison to become the greatest leaders. 

NGOs have become indispensable in the cause of empowering the youth by filling the gaps left by mainstream education with skills such as leadership and entrepreneurship. Thanks to these targeted programs, every innovator of the next generation is provided with the necessary tools to enhance the existing systems, leading to self-sustenance and community-driven solutions. With more and more NGOs focusing on the education of the youth, the power of such plausible social revolution increases very high, allowing the youth to take control of their lives and drive the change they want in their communities.





Written by Sandhwi Ranjan

passionate writer