Pride of India

22 May '24
6 min read


India's pride is growing in the VANDE BARATH trains. There are several reasons why India's railway system has to be updated, including the introduction of contemporary trains like the Vande Bharat Express. We should also talk about certain negative instances, like stone-pelting on Vande Barath trains, and the steps the government has taken to stop it.

Economic Growth: A vital part of India's transportation network, the Indian Railways have a big influence on the nation's economic growth. The efficient movement of products and people can be increased by modernizing the railways and implementing high-speed trains, which will promote economic expansion.

Modernization: With features like increased speed, safety, and passenger comfort, trains like the Vande Barath Express mark a technological breakthrough. They are a part of India's effort to build a more resilient, effective, and future-ready railway network that can accommodate the country's expanding population.

Smooth Connectivity: The National Rail Plan (NRP) 2030 seeks to provide multimodal, seamless cross-country travel by integrating the rail network with other means of transportation. This would make traveling and gaining access to resources and services easier.

Train services can only be made safer and more dependable by investing in upgrades to the railway infrastructure, such as new tracks, signaling systems, and heavy load equipment.

Environmental Sustainability: The modernization initiatives are in line with environmental sustainability objectives, with an emphasis on electrification and the use of renewable energy.

The Vande Bharat Express is a prime example of the "Made in India" effort, with its main train systems being designed and constructed in the nation. This promotes homegrown production while showcasing India's prowess in high-tech sectors.

Global Standards: The goal of trains such as the Vande Barath Express is to bring them into compliance with international performance and passenger comfort standards at a reasonable cost, which could alter the nature of the global rail industry.

Stone Pelting: 

The incidents of stone throwing aboard the Indian Vande Bharat Express trains have sparked worries and resulted in monetary damages. Let's examine the causes of these occurrences:

Local Unrest and Tension:

Stone-throwing frequently happens during neighborhood agitations or rallies. Individuals can use trains, such as the Vande Bharat Express, as a means of expressing their unhappiness or complaints.These disturbances may be connected to matters like employment, land acquisition, or other regional worries.

Political Rivals: Vandalism of this kind may occasionally result from political rivalry or conflicts. Being a well-known undertaking, the Vande Barath Express turns into a symbolic target. Tensions could increase if political parties use these occurrences to achieve their own objectives.

Vandalism and Miscreants: Miscreants may throw stones at people, usually with the intention of causing trouble or committing malicious acts. They may not even have a clear goal in mind, but they nonetheless do harm just for kicks.With its contemporary features, the Vande Barath Express can draw notice and end up as a target.

Safety Procedures and Consciousness:

To stop these kinds of accidents, the Railway Protection Force (RPF) has taken action. Making WhatsApp groups to exchange train status updates is one of them. deploying GRP employees to the scene to locate any problems. launching awareness-raising initiatives at the stations. Incidents still happen in spite of these attempts.

Financial Impact: Indian Railways has suffered significant financial losses as a result of stone-pelting events. Since 2019, the Vande Bharat Express alone has lost Rs 55.60 lakh as a result of stone-pelting damage.The whole cost of operating is impacted by the broken windows and repairs.

Safety Issues:

The safety of passengers is still a top issue even if there have been no reports of fatalities or damage to passenger property. In addition to being inconvenient, broken windows and damaged property make travelers nervous.

What steps are being done to stop the throwing of stones?

Several steps have been put in place by Indian Railways to stop occurrences of stone pelting, particularly on trains like the Vande Barath Express. These initiatives seek to preserve safety, protect railway property as little as possible, and protect passengers. These are a few of the actions performed:

Education Initiatives:

Consistent awareness campaigns, such as Operation Saathi, are carried out in populated areas close to railway tracks. These initiatives raise public awareness of the risks and repercussions of stone-pelting.Discouragement of such anti-social behavior and education of the local community are the objectives.

Drives Against Anti-Social components: In impacted areas, sometimes known as "black spots," drives are regularly carried out to target anti-social components, such as intoxicated people and mischievous people. The law is used to prosecute those who are captured.This proactive stance aids in discouraging possible stone throwers.

Mechanisms for Complaints:

Via the Rail Madad Portal or by phoning the hotline number 139 (which is linked with the national emergency number 112), passengers can file complaints right away. Timely action is made possible by prompt reporting, which also stops more instances.

Social Media Engagement: Indian Railways uses Twitter, Facebook, and Koo among other social media platforms to regularly communicate with its passengers.Through this interaction, passenger security is improved and their concerns are addressed.

State-Level Security Committees: All states and union territories now have State-Level Security Committees of Railways (SLSCR) established.These committees oversee and evaluate security arrangements, guaranteeing more attentiveness and coordination.

Legal Repercussions:

Stone-throwing on Vande Bharat trains is illegal, according to a strong warning from the South Central Railway (SCR).Under Section 153 of the Railways Act, offenders may get a sentence of up to five years in jail.

Community Involvement: Sarpanches, or village leaders, work with the Railway Protection Force (RPF) in areas close to railroads, designating them as community "mitras."Through raising awareness and keeping a watchful eye, these village representatives are essential in preventing incidents of stone-pelting.

Staff Deployment: Employees are stationed in areas that are susceptible to stone throwing.Their presence guarantees a prompt response in the event of an incident and serves as a deterrence.


contemporary trains such as the Vande  Express and the modernization of the railway network are critical to India's progress towards becoming a more technologically advanced, economically sound, and interconnected country. These initiatives show India's dedication to raising the standard of living for its people and establishing the country as a global leader in rail transit. These terrible stone-pelting occurrences are caused by a confluence of factors including political unrest, miscreants, local unrest, and safety concerns. While the matter is still being addressed by the authorities, precautions and awareness are still needed to protect people and railway property. A mix of community involvement, legal repercussions, knowledge, and surveillance helps to stop incidents of stone throwing on trains such as the Vande Barath Express.









Written by Kumaraswamy S