These are not the wars,
These are not the battles,
Which continues for two or more
These are not the between big matter
not between the capital and papers
But those are the fights of between our most loved ones
Our siblings
Though some days of years , we express such great feelings to them;
Wishing them and expressing our heartiest gratitude towards them
Saying ' you're the best '
But no childhood is childhood without fights with siblings that shouldn't be left .
Together we can cross the limit of our fight sometimes, is ‘ our quote ’.
The topics we fight on are great and horrible!
But the matters taken up cannot be compressible.
These are our rights; we feel is like !
But after those great fight for millions
We the foolish sit together and sing we're together one forever
Parents don't understand our love for all. And once, we're separated we regret alot that is assured.
Really being silly with our friends is okay but..
With our siblings are not the words to express.
That craziness with our siblings at 3:00 am after those fights are the moments of fun.
Dear God, I pray that our fights continue but the bond , love and affection and our foolishness should be never ending .
As we're the people of same mental kind..
A simple lover of writing
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