Cover Art Drawing credit @ Ms Yangchen Peldon Bhutia.Cover Art Drawing Idea@Ms Aadhira Chettri
Cover Design creation @Tamling Sarojini Subba using Lyrebird Collage Maker
A rainy misty Tuesday morning – the 24th of March in the year of 2020. The cumulonimbus clouds have fragmented into hundreds of undulating ripples- The mackerel sky – fluffy sheep grazing in the blue pasture. That was how, I as a child, imagined these cottony feathers to be; this imagination still floats good now in my early 40s.The stormy night has painted a dark outline to the pine trees haloing the yonder hills against the backdrop of the cloudy white.
Many names yet none matters. The early mythology describes me as a chubby naked baby with a bow and an arrow aiming aimlessly nowhere. I am what I am, but was never naked except for that moment in time when I came kicking and crying into this world. I love to play dress up, not over the top but comfortable with bare minimal makeup -A waste of time I see it as. And for heaven’s sake, clear your mythological imagination; I do not have curly hair that sticks close to the forehead and I am not masculine in gender. At the moment, I am battling with my greasy shoulder length hair- all thanks to a home-made remedy of baking soda shampoo, a “No Poo method” for natural hair as they call it in YouTube, a ghastly DIY gone wrong. But, I, for sure do not like the way the ancients described me and instinctively google up. Damn this world, Sundar Pichai-the current CEO certainly needs to delete that chubby image from their data. Do I cupid him tonight? I sip my mug of fresh organic lime juice in warm water with honey. This morning regime not only helps clear the digestive system, but is also known to burn the extra calories. I open my Facebook Profile and check my Instagram Handle. This has been my wake up routine for the past few years – I need to know the comings and goings of the world through the social media. The smart phone has replaced the television; but I still have not found it a necessity to replace my old big headed bloke with the flat luxury status.
Serious permanent frown lines in the profile picture – I make a note that I need to change my DP. You are more than welcome to send me a friend request. I got a good fan following in FB and a little short by a thousand followers in Instagram. I have not taken to Twitter yet but you can certainly check me up at No! No Not that date site, do not mistake me for a dating agent or a matrimonial middleman. Google the other website where you can update yourself with the love hurts and love sucks things. I get a lot of why and how questions.
I go by the username “The Stupid Cupid” in this Technology Driven World and I chronicle tales about the making of hearts, breaking of hearts, mending of hearts and also about hearts that never heals.
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