Those who read the article may hate studies and love it. Everyone has a different perspective on studies. Some of you still wonder why we should learn algebra if it doesn’t have any use to understand this complex world. Why should I read stories in our English or Hindi textbooks even though I am still unable to grasp both languages? Why should I read social studies and geography which have no use in my life, I don’t want to be a civil servant.
In short, why do we study social science, maths, English, Hindi, and science? Because these subjects don’t help us to understand the world where we live.
Moreover, when we take our first step in the real world our eyes are shocked to see the first view of the world. We were infants at that time. Where we have been questioning ourselves since my childhood, whatever I see, learn, experience, and achieve is such a pile of rubbish.
Where is my learning gone?
So if you are interested to get the answers of your intuitive questions read the whole article. I bet after reading you will feel self-healing. So let’s delve into the ocean of answers in simple words.
So, I believe that you are newborns in the real world or spend a few precious days here and still your mind is mixed up with many questions. So What have I learned yet? Let me categorise it into two different parts.
So let’s start with the first one “By Bitter-sweet Days”
I know you asked what the meaning of it. So I started the phrase Bittersweet days by denoting our childhood. Childhood is that sweet pile which we have eaten only once in our whole life, we want to eat again but it’s impossible.
Ok, let’s come to the point: childhood is not the happiest part of our life, i know some people say that childhood is the best time because we don’t have any concerns or relations for world affairs. So it’s not true. I believe that childhood have 90% happy days but it also stuck with 10% unhappy days.
And these 10% days are the answers to some of our questions. How? Let me simplify.
Every child is born with great curiosity which we roundheads consider their naughtiness, we were also curious children who make some childish mistakes which result in our lovely parents transforming into angry men and beating us or scolding us.
Now just remember this type of childhood incident.
I remember one of my childhood scenes when I was just a nine-year-old girl who hated her classmate due to her lies. She always hyperbole her father’s profession, richness, luxury hose and so on. I don’t jealous of her but I hate her attitude even though I know whatever she said was not true. Hence, I told the whole truth to my other classmate by mixing my point of view, she silently heard every single word. However, in the beginning of December my class was divided into two sections. I was in section A along with those two girls.
Unfortunately, our class teacher arranged our sitting roll number wise and both of those girls were sitting together. The girl whom I shared my views betrayed with me and narrated every single word to her.
I saw, and I thought it’s the siren of danger. I hate going to the principal’s office, but during this situation the principal’s office was summoning me.
I was full of fear and the girl also scolded me, she gave me warning that she didn’t spare me.
During the situation I was terrified but my inner soul knew that whatever I told about the girl is true. So I prepared myself for the meeting of her parents and the most terrifying office.
Thankfully, she didn’t tell anyone neither teachers nor parents. I was waiting for a week for her to take action anytime, but she didn’t.
Atlast my life is spare and I conclude the whole incident that her inner soul also knew the truth.
Now the story is over tell me do you have this type of silly scenes in your childhood. So what I learnt from this incident is that ‘ whenever I hate someone, I must not share my views for the man to anyone when it’s maybe risked, so just wait until the time I will get any opportunity to tell the man that he or she is wrong.’ in short patiences and opportunity.
Now tell me if you encountered these types of incidents so don’t you learn any lesson.
So this is all about the bitter-sweet days. Now you understand the phrase’s perspective.
Ok so let’s go with the second one which is “ the hate books” .
It simply means study. Here i dont bore you why study is so important, why should we learn algebra or etc. so what we talk about ‘the pattern of your study’, I mean to say that how you learn chapters and what’s your study schedule, how do you motivated yourself for the learnings even you don’t like to read books. How?
Some of you are saying that we read one day before exams and cheating takes our responsibility. If your answer is this, tell me you totally depend on cheating. Maybe not. So what’s your following strategy to achieve your goal to pass the exams? Let me tell the story of Arush.
He was an average student who saw his books when the exams was nearer approx one month before. Due to completing his one year syllabus in one month. So, he first read all the syllabus with keen eyes. Then read previous years papers and revised his teachers’ lectures that this part is important and this is less important. He completed his whole research, analysis and plans within three days. After that, he was commencing his reading journey by reading his textbooks before jumping on the notes and other external helping resources. Yes this is a pretty time consuming part, but Arush was the great time manager. He gives per book one week and three days spent to rea the book and another three days were spent to read external resources along with solving questions via youtube and previous year papers. Finally he conducted a personal exam on Sunday and tested himself on what he had learned the whole week. And the cycle was revolving by his other subjects as well per week.
So this was the pattern of study which Arush followed to achieve good marks in his exams.
You all follow different types of strategies.
Despite this, do you know how Arush motivated himself for studies? So he love watching web series on Netflix, disney+hotstar, sony live and so on. Hence, whenever he was feeling bored by reading his textbooks, he would remind himself if i completed the chapter by eight o clock. I was able to watch two episodes of vicenzo in netflix. A different type of enthusiastic current was flowing in his veins and his speed was doubled up.
Basically what Arush learned by this pattern is time management, strategy making, self control, etc.
So tell this type of behaviour worthy for Arush when he is encountered by reality and manages real life tasks.
You know the answer. So tell me don’t you have this by your study patterns.
When we are children we often thought that when I was young I would do something for the welfare of our society. So now you are at that age, which your inner child desperately wanted for a long time, you did conduct such a thing.
My last words to you all, readers, is to just delve in the past and see what you did or inspired. Trust me, all your confusion will be invisible.
Gyani Owl is dedicated platform for students. Our content specialises in critical studies.
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