Soil of Our Souls

Happy Independence Day

09 Aug '24
1 min read


The land that bore the struggles and absorbed the blood within,

Remembering it's genesis and endures it to the heart.

It lives on the uncanny values too deep to uproot,

A culture intricately crafted like the finest clay pot.

From the simplest form of paper to the hardest stone,

The mesmerising art is never to finish in a single life.

Mountains and dialects may divide us into fragments,

But our minds and spirits are meant to be together.

The tricolour flies above everything with pride,

If it were to fall the earth itself would shiver in fear.

Here every grain of soil speaks of sacrifice and courage,

Which cannot be forgotten in a single glimpse of the night.

From the peaks of the Himalayas to the shores of Kanyakumari,

Our unity and diversity weave the fabric of our nation.

With every heartbeat we pledge to our motherland,

An eternal flame of patriotism, burning bright and true.

#AyraWritingContest #IndiaIndependenceDay2024



Written by Alisha Biju