I would rather ....

13 Jun '24
2 min read


I would rather stop by a lake and watch the lil waves ripple 
I would rather deep breathe in a park and take in the fresh air 
I would rather watch the sun rise in the mountains or watch the crimson sky as the sun goes down on the horizon with the waves lapping against my feet 
I would rather watch the full moon play peek a boo amidst the foliage of the trees 
I would rather watch the star lit sky on a cloudless night and be soothed to sleep 
I would rather stop by a brook to hear the water gurgle 
I would rather dip my toes in its icy waters and crinkle my nose in its tingling sensation 
I would rather hear the birds chirp and see the squirrels scurry across a lush green valley 
I would rather bask in the early morning sunshine or feel the tiny droplets of rain on my face 
I would rather take it slow , hear music that fills my soul 
But all I do is hurry and run and scamper to somewhere unknown 
What am I chasing is what I don't even know 
For I don't even have the time to pause or ponder ....
Life seems to have catapulted all of us to nowhere 
A place where we don't have even a few moments to spare !!!


Written by Poornima Nalkoor