How to get free Instagram likes

06 May '24
3 min read


First of all, it is important to know the difference between likes and following. The basic difference is that, only approved followers can see our posts but anyone can like our posts.

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The effective tips to be kept in mind that can bring in a lot of likes are:

Be respectful towards others’ posts and learn to be appreciate: it’s really not necessary thatyou might be having knowledge about each and every single post on the Instagram. But the thing is that, some people have the habit of unnecessary commenting on others’ posts. One should really avoid doing all these and be respectful towards others’ point of view.

Make sure that the account is public: for aspiring business persons, it is very essential to have an Instagram account with a solid social presence.

Promote your products: as mentioned earlier, this generation is all about promotion. It is well known that social sites are the most powerful drummers, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs. Promoting your products using these media can help you grow to a large extent.

Design your profile in such a way, so that it is appealing to the wider audience: it’s usually not possible for the layman, to be aware of audiences’ choices. However, analysis of the social and economic demands of the society, as well as the latest culture, can help you create an attractive profile.

Culture plays a major role: a society consists of a numerous community and thus, numerous cultures. Not does all know but, culture is the treasure of any society. Thus, it is necessary to have basic knowledge about the present culture propagated in our society.

Some apps that could really help you!

Fluid Buzz: this application sets us with 30 free likes, after which we can proceed gradually, thereby increasing our network.

Turbo Media: sets us with 10 free likes

Get Insta: a similar application as the above two applications but, with much more reliability.

Common features of all these applications

Innovative network: these applications provide with genuine network of people where, development of new products takes place, keeping in view, the interests and demands of a particular group of consumers. Especially, business persons can connect with each other in a safe environment, without the least number of risks. 

Simple to use: these apps are ready with an intuitive design, which keeps our profile simple at the same time making it reachable to a larger audience. There’s no question of any plan or any type of subscription.

Daily followers and automatic likes: all you need to do is to set up an awesome profile of your own, put an appropriate, brief description, install any of the three apps, and there you go! 

It’s quite likely that, once you manage to get pretty good number of followers, others who come across your profile are bound to get influenced and put likes too. In short, some of the techniques to include high quality content in our Instagram page, in order to keep the number of likes going up could be:

  • high-quality audio-visual facilities
  • Be aware of your objectives that is, what type of audience you want to come across your page and design as well as create posts according to that. Make sure your content is relevant as well as covers all the keywords. 
  •  Do not use a third-party tool to edit your content. 
  • A number of tools to find good content could be Buzzsumo and Pinterest. Moreover, one should produce answerable content with strong headlines. In fact, content forms the skeleton of our Instagram page. 










Written by Arunima Dutta
