Her eyes have a story to tell....

20 Oct '24
3 min read



A story she wants to share and sometimes keep it ensconced within her  heart ,

A story where she had to face shame and ridicule , for no fault of hers ...

A story that started its chapter way back when she was little , from a time she can't even remember ..
Yet the hurt , as she was shamed with a word she knew not the meaning of  ...squint ! 
At seven  , English was still a foreign language to her !

The struggle she didn't know of continued ,
Through academics , it was a way of life she had gotten used to , the neo normal she wasn't aware of .

The strange look she gets at times , a snigger at others  gets her conscious , yet she  learns to shrug it away ,

She has wished umpteen times that the world would look beyond her eyes , 
So many times she wished her heart would be her eyes , 
For the eyes maybe the  window to the world ,  
But the heart is what rules it for sure

Her  eyes have a story to tell

Of the times she wishes to look straight into the camera , not yet again  she cringes resorting fervently  to a   prayer  that the photograph , video is shot with her  best angle , that she doesn't have to wince  when she  gets to see it ..

Her heart  ,  still childlike , she rejoices at making silly reels , lil dance steps that make her heart soar , yet , she halts , her followers will see it and perhaps smirk or snigger . How long she asks before she gets the freedom to do what she desires without the world judging her by her eyes .

Her eyes have a story to tell.

Will someone listen and tell the child who has teased her and made her uncomfortable that she would have loved to have a normal vision , she would love to look straight too , smile and have the child smile back at her instead of whispering into his mother's ears , she instantly knowing what it would be and turning her face away .

Her eyes have a story to tell .

She has grappled it all she thinks and yet again when she is speaking to someone , the  all too familiar shift in their position to try and  match where she looks , she trying hard to hide her discomfort , for she knows not where she is seeing .

Her eyes have a story to tell .

She is not trying to gain pity , she has come far , she acknowledges those who have been good to her knowing her struggle . Given her golden opportunities without a bias . She seeks those who have made her feel one amongst them , she is grateful , thankful for her family and friends who have been wonderful support .

Her eyes have a story to tell .

She does after more than five and half decades , for she realises , if not now then when .

Her eyes have a story to tell .

So that no one ever again gets shamed , teased , for something that was a quirk of destiny , something that should not have happened , something that was beyond human undoing .

Her eyes have a story to tell .
She knows life ahead is way shorter than what she's left behind , she wants to make sure the legacy of her paternal grandma of no ridicule gets carried forward !







Category:Personal Experience


Written by Poornima Nalkoor