Confessions of work from home mom

14 Oct '23
7 min read


Almost as a new age term, wok from home is emerging as a great opputunity for all women folks who are dynamic, educated, experienced in a certain field and cannot go out everyday to a workplace due to various reasons on personnel front, and can still earn a decent income by working in the field of their  interest and not feel wasted.

While the term housewife which was as till was termed 2 decades ago slowly metamorphed into a much befitting term home maker, making it sound and feel that the contribution of a married women with or without children is recognised and much appreciated, then comes a term stay at home mums where a women who has kid/kids is taking care of the home, family including kids, in laws, parents and the couple themselves(Phew.. that sounds like so much of work and people management which is definitely no less than a office job ), being present to all and is a 24X7 job..!!

With the emergence of technology and lot of well trained and well read and technology adapting women are out there and numerous job opportunities are created both for online and offline jobs and many jobs are such that they can be done at home with basic laptop and internet facility too and then make use of your resources with what ever time that is remaining after the daily chores can be utilised fruitfully and also earning some pocket money and in some cases followers and subscribers and a influencer title too just a example but lot of oppurtunitie which is definitely a blessing.

Like with all jobs, this job also comes with pros and cons and I am confessing some of my personnal views here,

1. Perks of working from home:-

You can work at the comfort of home and wear anything, start and end work at your ease and still get paid and feel good about working and earning, thereby being able to use the income wisely or as needed.

2. Seeking or looking for a suitable job is so tiring:

While there are so many options that we hear of as available, it is so time consuming and frustrating and may times in findingwhich is right for you, you end up wasting a lot of man-hoursand all your energy and focus is drained and in many cases where there is financial investment , chances of losing it or the chance taken with it can go wrong which takes a lot of recovery time.

Many online links and work offline can also be misleading and the intricacies and the real deal may not be revealed until the time of payment.

Many of these jobs do not have a contract and hence we do not know the right source and many times we are made to give information which can be misused too.

While our security and protection of our details is very important, it is almost impossible to know the authenticity of the source in most cases. Some of them are clear and have a clear work policy too which is what we have to ask for first thing before venturing into any work, which does not involve any money invested.

Some fool into investments and with chances of cheating, so be aware and check bfore venturing into it.

3.Being a Home maker Vs work from home mom:

Although we say working for ourselves and standing up for ourselves and being independent financially is very important, it cannot be overlooked that in this wake of doing or managing both, we/ women /men are working double time that is both home and work.yea that’s right, there will be no much time for leisure or lazing around as both the jobs comes with certain deadlines and deliverable urgency.

While just being a home maker at home can get some rest and some timeout for themselves, it is challenging as all the extra time we get have to be used for that deadline or workload to be finished..

Many hours of sleep at times may have to be sacrificed to reach the work goal and much needed family time which we wish to have may also have to be sacrificed.!! Yes that is a true reality.

All those who are doing it defiantly deserve a round of applause.

4. Vacations can suddenly be workaction:

Yea, all that planning, waiting, booking and browsing for the best vacation and months of planning that went into can suddenly become workacation that you end up getting some urgent work which you feel so responsible towards.

So you can imagine how the situation turn to be.. Needless to say..

5.  Guilt of not giving quality time:

Yes, many a times we have agreed to perform or  taken up a assignment and then there is a family function, important event in your kids school, we end up being torn between duty and wants and it is so frustrating that we cannot give the necessary time for kids, hubby or parents eventually making us feel bad that we cannot be present when needed.

Of course it can be worked out and prioritised but somehow the guilt never goes, of choosing a work you wanted to take and also be present for that important person.

6.Stress and no personal time out:-

With house and work both requiring immediate attention and  situations of immediate outcome, can cause a lot of stress and tension, that we cannot even make the right decision .feel fatigued and feel demotivated , so much so that many times I start feeling like not taking up any future work.

Because of all the above said factors and many emergency situations of unplanned extra work can leave you with less to no personnal time to unwind and relax.

7. When there no work take time out:

So the thing many times with work from home is that there may not be continuous work flow , so when there is no substantial worl load, take all the necessary time out to enjoy and relax, detox and do all those activities that can boost your energy and try to hone some new skills too in that time.

Also as a tip I would say even with these types of work having a wide variety and different roles will give a certain monotony break and keep you energized and going.

8. Excessive Screentime/ digital time:

Since most of these jobs involve use of digital media and laptops and mobiles are used extensively , it is very important to keep in mind the right posture for hand, back, and feet to avoid health issues and the breaks that has to be taken in between work that is atleast every 20 mins set your eyes ahead and realx your eyes.Also it is very important to take care of the overall health be it nutrition by the food we eat and the right exercise to keep the body fit and by following the diet and regular medications if any.


All said and done finding the right balance and listening to your body and mind and doing only what you can without overtly burdening yourself and maintain a state of peace in and around your house will come with trial and error and to make the best use of the help you can get along with growth in the job is definitely possible , so kudos to all those who are in the field and more power to you..!!




Written by Foodandliving shwetha

I am sweta, a digital creator of lifestyle articles and blogs, vlogs @foodandlivingshwetha. I am a teacher by profession and passionate about early childhood education. I love cooking,travelling,reading, art, exploring the world and self.


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